There is no denying the fact that we possess a strong feeling of hatred for all those rapists who molest a girl physically. At the same time, no matter how strict rules our government makes to put a restraint on rapes from taking place or even gives capital punishment to rapists (which actually should be but does not happen in our country), girls are not going to be free or liberated from this assault which factually they start witnessing since they come out of their mothers’ wombs.
Who said only physical molestation should be considered as rape? Rape could also be done without touching the body of a woman. When you abuse her, tease her or hit her whether merely a slap, It Is The Rape. Rape means to shake the personality of a female which can be done even if you don’t touch her…
Watch this amazing video! It would compel you to REDEFINE RAPE AND RAPISTS!!
Click here to watch this video on YouTube