Delhi CM Kejriwal has made claims of the rate of corruption being decreased significantly and dropped to 70-80% as soon as AAP has come to the government. In support of his claims, he cites the instance of his daughter who evidently discovered to what extent government workers are cautious as far as bribe is concerned. This fact got revealed when she approached for getting her driving license.
As stated by CM in a public assembly, “I will not say that we have completely ended corruption in Delhi but it has come down to 70-80 per cent.”
We all know that AAP had been intended for fighting against corruption as said by party members and Kejriwal from the beginning of the election.
This govt. once again started anti-corruption helpline 1031, asking populace for sending crooked officers’ stings and got above 1.25 lacs calls.
Making the corruption issue personal, Arvind related it to what his daughter came to know when she applied for driving license.
In his words, “My daughter went to get her learner’s driving license. I could have called the department and officers could have made it for me. But my daughter went to the office and waited for her turn. She told the officer (without revealing her identity) that she is not carrying one of the certificates which were required and the officer declined to make her license.”
He added, “She further tried to bribe him by offering money. As she offered money this officer started noticing her phone if she was making a video. My daughter insisted that it was urgent and she was ready to pay any amount but the officer refused it.”
However, several minutes later, she came back to the personnel and handed over the required documents.
Kejriwal said, “The officer after reading her name and my name in father’s section asked her if she was daughter of Chief Minister of Delhi and then entire department came forward to make her license.”
Also he mentioned, “This shows the level of corruption has come down in the city. Even auto drivers have given me feedback. Corrupt officers are afraid while the honest officers are moving fearlessly.”
In addition, Delhi CM advised auto drivers for working with honesty and serving Delhiites.
To quote what he uttered, “It is your responsibility to do public service. You have to work with honesty. Recently, DTC people went on a two-day l strike. Most of the auto drivers were over-charging then. Do not take undue advantage when people are in crisis.”
“If you serve your passengers with honesty, then they will stand by you and ask for a hike in your fare. I will take care of your children, if you promise to serve the people of this city.”
Do you really think that rate of corruption has decreased considerably in Delhi? Share your views regarding the whole issue in your comments!