Nora Fatehi, a Bollywood star known for her captivating dance performances, recently opened up about her challenging path to success in the Indian film industry. During the interview, the dancer-actress who originally belongs to Canada shared her experiences of rejection, resilience and the lessons she learned along the way.
While speaking at an event, Nora Fatehi recalled a disheartening audition experience with Yash Raj Films. She had meticulously prepared her lines and felt confident in her performance, yet the feedback she received was harsh. She said that they didn’t call her back as they felt that she was not that good. Frustrated Nora broke her cellphone in anger—a moment that would later teach her an important lesson about patience.
That incident marked a turning point in Nora’s journey. Reflecting on her reaction, she realised that her frustration was misplaced, especially since the films she missed out on did not perform well. Nora Fatehi shared that those movies for which she cried were either flops at the box-office or they were disastrous projects and she asked herself whether she was crying for that project and she broke her phone for such a project. This experience taught her to let go of rejection and trust in the timing of her career opportunities.
As an outsider in Bollywood, Nora also discussed the challenges of resisting a victim mentality, which can be a common pitfall for newcomers. Nora Fatehi said that sometimes outsiders can have victim mentality but they should focus on improving themselves. Nora emphasised on persistence and said that an outsider should keep trying even after repeated failures. She said that you must try fifth time if they reject you four times because your persistence will make them wonder how that girl is so confident.
Despite early struggles, Nora’s hard work eventually paid off. She achieved fame with her performance in popular songs like “Dilbar” in Satyameva Jayate and “Garmi” in Street Dancer 3D, both of which went viral and showcased her exceptional dance skills. These performances not only brought her recognition but also solidified her status as one of the most sought after dancers of Bollywood.
Nora Fatehi’s journey to success is a testament to resilience, growth and self-belief and she is certainly an inspiration for all those who want to make it big in the industry.