The King of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan must be on cloud nine after the outstanding performance of his movie “Raees” on the box-office. And now he has one more reason to cheer up, as his beautiful wife Gauri Khan is going to give him company on the micro-blogging site Twitter.
SRK and Gauri are said to be the perfect couple of Bollywood for all the right reasons. Shah Rukh already has almost 24 million followers on Twitter, as he is one of the most followed celebrities and it won’t take much time for Gauri to have a good number of followers.
Gauri Khan started her journey on Twitter with this announcement, “#GauriKhanDesigns opening soon with the worlds most glorious furniture brands. Watch this space for more”
#GauriKhanDesigns opening soon with the worlds most glorious furniture brands. Watch this space for more 😊
— Gauri Khan (@gaurikhan) February 13, 2017
Shah Rukh immediately retweeted the tweet made by the handle of Gauri Khan, adding, “Beginnings”! Check out his tweet:
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 13, 2017
Well, this is something a good husband should do! What do you say?