Bollywood’s Desi Girl Priyanka Chopra has been making headlines for few months now for all the romantic reasons. Yes, the “Quantico” star is in a relationship with American singer Nick Jonas and they are all set to tie the knot.
The couple has made public appearances many times and their social media status further strengthened the speculations of their affair. Their engagement was among the most discussed topics at Vogue Beauty Awards where B-Town’s Queen Kangana Ranaut also confirmed the news of PeeCee’s engagement. She also added that she called and congratulated her for the big event.
When Shah Rukh was asked to comment on the impending marriage of Priyanka to Nick Jonas, King Khan tried to tackle the situation in a humorous tone as he said,
“I am also getting married; I will send you an invite. You will get my reception card and do come for Mehendi.”
Watch the video from 3:28 to listen to the journo’s question and SRK’s reply on Priyanka’s wedding:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
SRK and Priyanka appeared together in “Don” and “Don 2” and the market of gossip was abuzz with rumours of a romantic affair between the couple; however, both of them refrained from making any comment in this regard.