Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood superstar, is currently enjoying the success of his latest release “Jawan” which has earned more than Rs. 600 crore in India and over Rs. 1000 crore worldwide. SRK is not just a great actor but he is also a wonderful dancer who knows how to instill energy in his performances with his powerful expressions.
Many playback singers want to sing for Shah Rukh Khan because it gives them a chance to become famous quickly but it is also important to know who SRK’s favourite singer of the present times is.
Some time back, King Khan attended a music awards function where he was asked about his favourite singer and whether he has dedicated any song of that singer to anyone. He replied in positive, saying that there are many from Mohd. Rafi sahab to Saigal sahab to Kishore da and many others. After that, he narrated an incident, he said that he was in Vegas shooting for “Pardes” and Subhash Ghai made him listen to a song sung by a newcomer who was singing for him for the first time.
SRK further said that Subhash Ghai told him that the newcomer who is singing for him is a good singer. He further said that he remembers there was very less time as they had to shoot and he was leaving for the airport to catch a flight. King Khan said that Subhash Ghai told him not to worry as they would shoot the song on the way to airport and the whole song was shot while leaving him airport.
Talking about the singer, Shah Rukh Khan said that he found the voice very different from the singers who used to sing for him and the song was stuck in his mind till he reached Mumbai. He also said that he started bringing a lot of energy in his songs from that song only. He added that he is a big fan of Sonu Nigam and he is saying it genuinely.
It is being said that Shah Rukh had to leave the shooting of this song in middle as his wife Gauri was experiencing complications in her first pregnancy and the song was completed with SRK’s duplicate.
“Yeh Dil Deewana…” is certainly a lovely song, isn’t it?