Mid-day meals – we all are familiar with this. Back in 2001, it entered the planning stage and got fully implemented in 2004. But we hear about “Mid-Day Meal” scams every now and then. We also see the quality of food that gets served in schools of our country. So today I’ll give all of you a look to “Mid-Day Meals” from schools of other countries. At the end of my article, you yourself will get to know where the quality of meals of schools of our country stand compared to the meals of schools from outside India.
1. India –
Let’s start with our country. Usually two kinds of meal are served –
1.Rice, Dal, Sabji (Vegetables – Curry) and someday fish or egg. 2. Roti, Sabji.
2. France –
They actually offer kinda “5 course meal” to students. The meal is absolutely fancy in France. Pike fish, green beans, Paris mushrooms etc. Parents do pay for the meal but there is subsidy for those who can’t afford to pay the full price. Not a kind of lunch is served more than one month.
3. Italy –
In Italy the food which gets served to school students, is absolutely made from organic and local products. But no matter what the meal is nutritious.
4. Japan –
Rice, fish, meatballs, milk, traditional Japanese foods etc are served as lunch in Japanese schools.
5. Korea –
Rice, fish, vegetables, chicken, soup and for beverages, kids are served sweet yogurt drinks.
6. Sweden –
Spaghetti, meatballs, meat, vegetables, potato, bean etc are served in schools of Sweden and the following dishes looks nothing but delicious.
7. Africa –
The malnutrition is at its highest here in Africa. The countries are poor also. So a big percentage of the money required for meals in schools, comes from many countries like USA, India, UK and organizations like UNICEF, WHO etc.
8. UK –
Chicken, shredded lettuce, fruit, vegetables, beans, baked potato, corn etc.