Since the time new notes have been circulated by RBI, there have been many headlines about misprinted notes being dispensed from the ATM. Remember how an SBI ATM in Noida had dispensed Rs 2000 notes from Children’s Bank of India?
One more incident has come to light in Madhya Pradesh and once again, it is an SBI ATM.
Yes, the ATM dispensed 6 new notes of Rs 500 but didn’t have any serial number on them. This happened on Monday with a schoolteacher Narayan Ahirwal, who withdrew Rs 1000; he got 2 notes of Rs 500 without a serial number. Have a look at these notes…
Narayan was not the only one; after him, it was Sanjay Asati and one more person in the queue, who withdrew Rs 1000 each, only to get misprinted Rs 500 notes i.e. without a serial number. In all, 6 misprinted notes were dispensed.
Very soon, they informed the police about the same and that ATM was sealed. What’s more surprising is that Narayan approached the bank management to get these notes exchanged but he was flatly refused.
Narayan said,
“I went to the nearest SBI branch, about a km away from ATM, and showed the notes to the officials but they refused to exchange them.”
Some action should be taken soon otherwise situations might go out of control. Why are such incidents happening only with SBI? What’s your take on this? Do share your views in our comments section below.