Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju has already entered the coveted 200 crore club and is currently enjoying a record-breaking run at the box office. The biographical drama showcased the Sanjay Dutt’s controversial life. Both critics and audiences have applauded Ranbir Kapoor’s performance in the film. It is Rajkumar Hirani’s impeccable storytelling technique which made the movie more beautiful.
We all know that a lot of chapters have been kept away from the movie. The movie doesn’t talk about his links ups with actresses, his ex-wives, his first daughter and a lot more. He said that he had 350 girlfriends in his life. However, the only character shown in the movie is Ruby. We can say Ruby is an amalgamation of all his previous girlfriends. With things like this, we speculate that a lot of content of Sanjay’s life went missing in the movie and only specific chapters like his addictions, and alleged involvement in 1993 Mumbai blasts have been discussed in detail.
So, recently writer Abhijat Joshi revealed that why only these two chapters have been focused in detail. Abhijat said that they had about 750 pages of content on Sanjay Dutt’s life and they could use only 150 pages. Sanjay’s life is full of ups and downs. We are sure that it would have been a difficult decision for Hirani and his team to decide which aspect to show and which not since they could use only 150 pages to make the final script.
Sanju is stupendous. Everyone agrees including the actor on whom it is made, Sanjay Dutt. Right after watching the trailer, Sanjay Dutt got emotional. According to reports, he got emotional after watching the movie and hugged Ranbir and Hirani.
Sequel to Sanju
Since there are a lot of stories that were sidelined or not shown in the movie. So, people are speculating whether there will be a biopic or not. There are rumours that MS Dhoni’s biopic is also in works. Can we expect a sequel to Sanju?
There are some more shades of Dutt’s life which Sanjay himself wants to tell his fans. And the actor even asked Hirani to make a sequel to the film. However, Hirani refuses to make a sequel to the film.
In an interview with ABP news, Rajkumar Hirani said: “Both Sanjay Dutt and Ranbir have been informed that he won’t make a sequel to the film since a person can have only one biopic,” as reported by DNA.
He even said that the sequel isn’t possible.
What do you think? Should there be a sequel to Sanju?