The famous director Sandeep Reddy Vanga and actor Ranbir Kapoor collaborated for the first time when they worked together in “Animal” which shattered many records at the box-office. Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s earlier two movies “Arjun Reddy” (Telugu) and “Kabir Singh” (Hindi remake of “Arjun Reddy”) were also big hits but they were also called toxic and misogynist movies and the same thing is happening with “Animal” as well.
However, Sandeep Reddy Vanga is not at all affected with the criticism and he is just enjoying the success of his latest release.
Recently, Sandeep Reddy Vanga gave an interview in which he talked about his experience of working with Ranbir Kapoor and also revealed that there was only one thing for which Ranbir Kapoor said no, otherwise he showed no hesitation in doing anything that Sandeep wanted including the bold scenes with Triptii Dimri or going bare for the camera.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga said that he was going to add “Superstar” tag in the audio teaser but Ranbir asked him not to do that. As per Sandeep, Ranbir didn’t like it at all and said that this thing happens in South but not in Bollywood.
Sandeep added that when the time for posters came, he told Ranbir that he would add the tag, “Superstar” even if he refused because this is his conviction and this is how he (Sandeep) felt about the actor after working with him for three years.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga further said that he has seen Ranbir’s movies in Hyderabad and he has seen crowd cheering for him. According to Sandeep, only a superstar gets that type of welcome and he felt like giving him the tag of Superstar. The director stated that nobody asked him why he gave the tag of Superstar to Ranbir, he said that Ranbir is not active on the social media, he doesn’t do many ads and for seeing him, a person has to spend money over the counter which makes him a star.
“Animal” is the biggest movie of Ranbir Kapoor in terms of collections as it has earned more than Rs. 500 crore.
Does Ranbir Kapoor deserve the tag of Superstar according to you? Share your views in this regard.