The craze of Bajrangi Bhaijaan is still on as the movie achieve another milestone by reaching out 150 crores in just 5 Days. This is so far the best figures in Salman’s Career as well as the best figure in Bollywood. The movie thrashed all previous records of Aamir Khans PK and Dhoom 3. Its has been just 5 Days and the movie had achieved so much but this is not it. The producers of the movie & Actor Salman Khan have now decided to do something for the community too. As the movie went out to be a Blockbuster and earned huge profits the Makers have decided to donate the profits coming out of the movie to the needy farmers and the family of those farmers who committed suicide.
BJP Leader Shaina in a talk to PTI shared this info that the producers of the Movie & Salman khan are willing to donate the money to the Farmers.
The actor has in the recent past always helped the people and community whenever needed & also holds a Non Profit Organization – BEING HUMAN which supports the underprivileged in India.
This proves that Salman is not just a Superstar but a Human first and a responsible citizen of the country who thinks about the community too.