There has already been enough controversy surrounding the ‘Raped Woman’ comment passed by Salman Khan. On this, a film critic, Mayank Shekhar took to Twitter and narrated an incident which hardly anyone knows. This was in reply to the incident narrated by Sachin Kalbag about Salman peeing in front of a female critic.
Well, this incident which Shekhar has reported about is also part of his book ‘Name Place Animal Thing’. This was however just a small excerpt of the book. View his tweet;
.@SachinKalbag This. via @mayankw14 's book #SalmanKhan
— Anup (@ThePuccaCritic) June 22, 2016
The post reads;
“I had just recently heard about how film star Salman Khan had insisted he drop a journalist back home after a long interview. It wasn’t too late in the evening. She didn’t particularly fancy a chivalrous ride. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’s a bit of a brat like that.
She relented. They drove together. He insisted on driving her right up to her building’s gate, asking her to specifically point out the floor she stayed in. “Now I know where you live,” he told her sweetly. “That (long) interview I just gave you? Don’t publish it.”
The excerpt adds that “By all accounts the piece never saw the color of print,”
Basically, he tried threatening her! Yes, now that Salman knew her address, the journalist wouldn’t take any risk or go against him and publish the interview! Shekhar further adds
Haha… Absolutely the shortest, even if the timeliest, excerpt from my book ever 😉 #NamePlaceAnimalThing
— Mayank Shekhar मयंक शेखर (@mayankw14) June 22, 2016
So guys, what do you feel about this? Everyday some or the other hidden truth about Salman pops up, isn’t it? Do let us know your opinions in our comments section below!