1.It is illegal to hang male and female underwear together in the same rope in Minnesota, USA.

2.The punishment for masturbation in Indonesia is beheading. (Anyway if you do it privately, who’s gonna know then?)

3.Gum chewing is illegal in Singapore.
4.Valentine’s Day Is Banned In Saudi Arabia (including Red roses).It is also banned in Rusia, Malaysia and Iran
5.It is illegal to kiss a woman if you have mustache in Eureka, Navada, USA.
6.It is illegal to feed pigeons on the streets of San Fransisco.
7.It’s illegal to fart in public after 6 pm on Thursdays in Florida.
Now, three special mentions.
1. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act Or AFSPA
Passed in 1958, this law now applies on the entire north-east and on “Jammu-Kashmir” as well. This law gives officers of the armed forces the power to kill anyone after just giving a single warning in order to the maintain the public order. You may have heard of Sharmila Chanu protesting against AFSPA. Now you know what AFSPA is.
2.Homosexual Intercourse Is Illegal
Well well well, we are telling that we are creating a new India. Still, our SC(Supreme Court) banned “homosexuality”. Really? Are we living in stone-age?
I’m not against “Reservation”. But I think reservation shouldn’t be judged on the basis of your “title” or “caste” or “tribe”. Instead of all these, reservation should be purely based on the basis of economics condition of someone regardless what caste or tribe they belong to.