With cut offs above 95% that only few can get, the tension among the students seeking admission in Delhi University has been increased twice as much. Students have not heard any good news since the first cut off but here’s something good for the female aspirants. 22 colleges in DU have given a relaxation to the female aspirants by up to 3%. This step has been taken to support and promote higher education among girls.
Only few colleges have given the girl concession in all courses while others have limited it to some courses like Political Science, Sanskrit, Hindi, B.A. (Prog), Electronics Physical Science/ Computer Science, etc.
So, in case you are seeking admission in these colleges, you need to know what are the benefits you will be getting there. Perhaps female students who were not getting admission in college of their choice earlier (only because of a difference of 2-3%) will not be able to get admission in college/course of their choice because of the step taken towards promoting higher level education among girl child.
List of colleges relaxing cut offs:
Relaxation Of Cut Offs
For Girls Up To 3% In DU