Jio was commercially launched and made available since last Monday. Reliance Jio is the most trending topic on the internet this week. Reliance Jio has taken over the market, it has created a frenzy in the nation with its lucrative offers. Ambani said that Jio 4G services will lift India from a mobile Internet ranking of 150th, and will bring it to the top 10 slot. J Jio and its lucrative plans are really giving the other companies like Idea, Airtel a run for their money. The reason behind Reliance Jio’s popularity and success are main concepts to be able to provide services like high speed internet, free voice calls, free sms, national roaming along with what he touted as the world’s lowest data tariff.
The other telecom companies couldn’t simply sit and wait for Jio to take over them. With the launch of Reliance Jio, the tariff war is officially on. With telecom companies like Airtel, Vodafone, Idea and BSNL, trying their best to come up with plans and offers which can help them get their customers back. Every company is coming up with attractive data offers, cheap tariff plans to top Reliance Jio.
Now another telecom company has jumped into this tariff war, it’s none other than Mukesh Ambani’s younger brother Anil Ambani owned Reliance Communication. Reliance Communications Ltd. (RCOM) is an Indian Internet access and telecommunications company.
RCOM has come up with a new offer for its pre-paid GSM subscribers. Customers on recharge Rs 40 can get a full talk time plus 1GB data under this offer. Isn’t that awesome?
Note:- This offer can be user specific. If you have received the above message then go ahead and recharge your mobile. If you have not received this message then please call customer care for more information
Earlier in RCOM, the customers would get talk time of Rs 32 on a recharge of Rs 40. But now they’ll get an extra 8 rupees talk time and 1GB data, the only condition of the offer is that customer must utilize the additional 8 rupees talk time within 10 days of recharge.
This telecom war is getting more and more interesting. No matter who wins the war, ultimately it’s a win for the customers.