Priyanka Chopra made her presence felt in the world with the ABC’s Quantico. This versatile actress who plays the role of a FBI agent in the show. Priyanka Chopra is also the first Bollywood star to headline an American TV show. This ABC’s series has made Priyanka a global sensation, the entire world is loving our Desi girl. she has already conquered the Bollywood and now marking her territory in the Hollywood as well.
Priyanka Chopra’s Quantico is all set to return with its second season which will premier on september 25. She is also set to make her Hollywood debut in ‘Baywatch’ opposite Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and Zac Efron.
Her professional career is on a roll, as for her personal life, Chopra has kept it private. She explained the reason behind maintaining the privacy. She said,
“I feel like something should be mine, so I protect myself,” she says of her stance on discussing her romantic life.”
Priyanka has been known for many affairs and link-ups with her co-stars. Speaking of relationships, she said,
“Not that I have not been in relationships. I have very much. Right now, I guess I’m in a place where it’s complicated. Thanks, Facebook.”
Speaking to a popular US-based fashion website, she explained she has no plans to settle down any early
“I’m young enough to be okay. To say that I don’t need roots. I want to free fall at the moment. But I’m also old enough to want roots as well. So I’m at that place. Which is hard.”
Priyanka Chopra who plays the character of Alex Parrish. We saw in the first season of Quantico that Alex finally succeeded in clearing the blame that was put on her. She got rid of all the accusations of being a terrorist mastermind. She was blamed for orchestrating the bomb blast which she never did. However in the finale they caught the real mastermind. Rumor has it that Alex will join CIA. She will no longer be a FBI agent, but will work in CIA. This will introduce so many new challenges and twists, will set up the plot for the second season.
Speaking on the character, Priyanka said,
“She’s tough when she needs to be. She’s soft when she needs to be. Just because you’re in a man’s world and you’re bending the rules a little bit, doesn’t mean a woman needs to lose her femininity. That’s Alex. She is who she is. Unapologetic.”