Aamir Khan’s latest movie Dangal has surely brought the Phogat family into the limelight of media which they deserved for sure. The struggle of their father Mahavir Singh Phogat and the two girls has been clearly depicted in the movie in its purest and raw form.
However, apart from the struggle shown in the movie, the real life Dangal girls – Geeta Phogat and Babita Phogat had an amazing photoshoot at Guru Shyam Lal Akhada in New Delhi. The photoshoot was done by Deepak Ansuia Prasad Bhardwaj where he shot some amazing and stunning pictures of the girls dressed up in their Indian attire and KALA CHASHMAS.
Have a look at them and enjoy the shoots.
1. Her looks are enough to smack our hearts down in love.
2. The simplicity of her eyes will always mesmerize you ! !
3. Damn, those lovely shades.
4. And there comes her Hubby, breaking millions of guy’s heart. They look beautiful together.
5. It’s hubby’s time to put on the shades now.
5. A final and last picture of the entire family together.
Aren’t these pictures amazing and superb ? What are your views about them. Do let us know in the comment section below.