Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is known for not only his superb acting skills but also his fashion and dressing sense. Many times, he has left us awestruck with his choice of outfits but we have to admit that only he has the attitude to make such experiments and carry any dress with extreme confidence.
Recently, he attended Umang 2019, Mumbai Police’s popular annual cultural gathering and everyone was just amazed looking at him. His shirt, trousers and blazer were adorned with cheetah prints and even his boots were of the matching colour.
First of all, take a look at the pic shared by Ranveer on Instagram:
Obviously social media users have now become habitual of seeing Ranveer Singh in out-of-the-box attires; however, some of them thought that after getting married to actress Deepika Padukone, changes will be visible in his fashion sense.
Like many other occasions, a number of people didn’t like his outfit this time too and trolled him. Here are some selected comments:
On the contrary, some netizens praised the “Bajirao Mastani” actor for carrying just any and every dress with so much grace and poise. Check out several reactions:
What do you have to say about Ranveer’s look? Let us know your views.