Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone never shy away from indulging in some PDA on regular basis. Almost every day we see both of them gushing over each other’s photos on Instagram and it becomes too cute to ignore.
Recently, Deepika Padukone posted some pictures from her photoshoot and Ranveer Singh couldn’t stop himself going gaga over her in the comment box. If the pictures of Deepika were any less, the comments of Ranveer on them became the topic of discussion on the social media. Have a look-
Along with the first pic that Deepika shared on Instagram, she wrote – “Hello…😉 ”
Ranveer immediately replied her with a “Hi..” and accompanied it with a wink emoji.
Deepika posted another pic and wrote-
look closely at the present you are constructing…it should look like the future you dream of…-Alice Walker @eveningstandardmagazine
Just like the crazy lover boy of Deepika that he is, Ranveer commented-
Don’t look at me like that.
Deepika posted another pic and captioned it-
Marc Jacobs once said “let’s do what we love and do a lot of it!”So here goes…😜 #strikeapose
Now Ranveer had a very cheesy and cryptic reply to the caption. He wrote-
Marc is right. We should do a lot of it.
Now that’s what we call some real PDA. Isn’t it?