Ranu Mondal became an overnight sensation after her video in which she was seen singing Lata Mangeshkar’s song at Ranaghat railway station went viral. After that, Ranu Mondal was launched in Bollywood by music composer, singer and actor Himesh Reshammiya and she got the chance of singing three songs for Himesh’s movie “Teri Meri Kahani”.
While her popularity was increasing, she also attracted few controversies including the one in which she scolded a fan who wanted to take a selfie with her. However in the present times, Ranu Mondal has faded away from the memory of music lovers. Earlier there was news that she shifted to her new house and helped some people during COVID-19 but now it is being heard that she has returned to her old house, has nothing on the work front and she is not in a good position financially.
Recently, a video of Ranu Mondal went viral in which she was seen singing “Bachpan Ka Pyaar” which was originally sung by Sahdev Dirdo, a young boy from Chattishgarh. The 15-second clip of Ranu Mondal was posted by YouTuber Rondhon Porichoy and till now more than 5.5 lakh people have viewed it.
Here is the video:
Click to watch this video directly on YouTube
“Bachpan Ka Pyaar” was sung by Sahdev Dirdo in 2019 when his teacher asked him to sing. The teacher recorded it and posted it on social media networks and soon the song went viral. Some time ago, the popular singer Baadshah sang the remix version of “Bachpan Ka Pyaar” with Aastha Gill and Sahdev Dirdo.
Sahdev Dirdo has also been felicitated by the chief minister of his state Bhupesh Baghel and he is quite a popular kid now.