Everyone is aware of Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s lavish lifestyle and his over the top fashion sense. A lot has been said about the same already. We had also shared that how Gurmeet Ram Rahim used to cheat his followers by selling vegetables at huge prices. His followers were ready to pay in thousands to get a single piece of brinjal.
All this resulted in generating huge wealth for Gurmeet Ram Rahim whose Dera from inside is like a dream in itself. Since Gurmeet has been imprisoned for 20 years, several videos and photos from the interiors of Dera have been released and the view is really surprising.
You can’t imagine how much money, Gurmeet has spent on the huge wonderland like Dera. As per the reports, his Dera is spread on the area of 700-800 acres and comprises of everything you can’t even imagine. Have a look-
1. MSG resort
A lavish ship shaped resort catches eye inside the Dera easily. Like over the top habits of Gurmeet, the resort is eye popping. The pictures that have come straight from the Dera show life like versions of World Wonders, Taj Mahal & Eiffel Tower.
Also, there is a Palace, Spring Villa, Sun, Horse house, Disneyland, Raj Mahal and much more.
Visitors are charged Rs 1800 for a stay in premium rooms and The presidential pool villa is priced at Rs 1 lakh 30,000 per night.
2. An exclusive cinema to show his own films
Gurmeet Ram Rahim has also built an exclusive cinema complex inside the Dera which is known as Mahi cinema. It plays all the films directed by and starring Gurmeet himself.
In the cinema, there’s a huge shopping complex and a food court inside.
3. A vast heart shaped hospital
There’s a huge 1.25 lakh square feet heart shaped hospital inside the Dera complex which provides 400 bed facility and has machines imported from Japan & Netherlands.
4. A lavish Gym
A grand gym with all the modern machines is available in the Dera.
5. A luxurious restaurant
Gurmeet Ram Rahim has got a luxurious Punjabi restaurant built in the MSG resort named Sarson restaurant.
6. A Stadium named MSG Bhartiya Khel Gaon
The huge area covers 23 acres portion of land and provides a platform to practice all kind of sports lawn tennis, roller skating, football, volleyball and hockey.
7. MSG Glorious International School
Gurmeet Ram Rahim started this private residential school in 2009. Spread in the area of 9 acres
8. Huge Posters All Over
Whole complex of Gurmeet Ram Rahim is lined up with his life size posters which proves that he is a king of branding.
Well, he has done a lot of good deeds but nothing can neutralize the bad he has done by raping his followers who considered her God. What do you think about it?