Gurmeet Ram Rahim was announced guilty on the historic day of 25th Aug. The news of Gurmeet being announced as criminal by CBI court made everyone happy. It was learnt that Gurmeet was visibly nervous as he was standing in front of the judge inside the court, though a lot about the proceedings was kept private.
We reported to you earlier that how he had made a Bollywood style plan for his escape from the court on the conviction day itself. And now we’ve learnt about another interesting bit regarding the case.
Since Gurmeet was charged for raping his own followers, his counsel disagreed by claiming that he is not physically and mentally fit to have sex with anyone as he was impotent since 1990
Hilarious, isn’t it?
Have a look at the court papers regarding the matter-
However, the CBI court maintained its point and rejected all the disagreements-
Special CBI judge Jagdeep Singh, in the conviction order, said:
“Any statement of rape is an extremely humiliating experience for a woman and until she is a victim of sex crime she would not blame anyone but the real culprit.”
He added-
“Any follower, much less the sadhvis, who had been christened by the accused himself, would be the last person in the world to level false allegations against such a person.”
The judge also said that Gurmeet’s claim is devoid of any merit as he had two daughters.
One of the hostel wardens had said that Singh’s two daughters were staying in the Dera hostel in 1999 and the CBI judge held that given this fact, the claim regarding impotency falls flat.
Rejecting the claim by Gurmeet, he said-
“This very fact speaks volumes about virility of the accused… at least two daughters have born out of loin of the accused.”
Describing Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh as a “wild beast”, the CBI court said that rapists like him “do not deserve any sympathy.”
Special judge Jagdeep Singh said that Gurmeet disguising as a religious guru and caused irreparable damage to the “heritage of the ancient land” and now he must get a deterrent punishment.
Jagdeep said-
“When the convict did not even spare his own pious disciples and acted like wild beast, he does not deserve any mercy.”
Bashing the disgusting acts of so called religious guru, the court said that Gurmeet does not have any concerns for the humanity, nor does he have any mercy in his nature, which was reflected through his ravishing acts. Such a convict, the judge said, should not expect any leniency from the court in the matter of punishment.
Interesting! Isn’t it? We hope our judiciary system continues to prove itself strong in the future too.