Bollywood’s controversy queen Rakhi Sawant is back in the headlines for her wedding rumours not for leveraging her social media handle. According to the rumours doing the rounds, Rakhi has finally tied the knot on Sunday 28th July with an NRI in a secret ceremony.
The news spread like wildfire and it was also said Rakhi wanted to keep her special occasion a low key affair. Hence the controversial queen opted to tie the knot in a hotel room with her close friends and family.
Rakhi Sawant shared a picture of herself on her Instagram account donning a white bridal gown with a veil and tiara and traditional chooda. Rakhi Sawant’s bridal attire look grabbed the eyeballs of the netizens.
Rakhi looks stunningly beautiful in the white gown. Have a glance at her beautiful pictures:
However, as per the reports of India Today, they approached Rakhi Sawant. She denied all the rumours and said she was doing a bridal shoot in JW Marriott. The actress further said she is very much single!
Netizens trolled Rakhi for her ‘Bridel Shooting”:
More crazy power to you Rakhi!