Bollywood actor R Madhavan recently opened up about the emotional rollercoaster surrounding his 2001 film “Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein” (RHTDM). Speaking at the IFFI 2024 in Goa, the actor shared how the film’s initial failure at the box office left him heartbroken. Madhavan revealed in an interview that during the movie’s release, he visited several temples, praying fervently for its success. However, despite his efforts, the romantic drama failed to perform commercially.
Despite its lackluster start, “Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein” found a second life. In 2024, 23 years after its original release, the film was re-released in theaters, achieving surprising success. R Madhavan expressed his amazement, noting how the movie garnered more revenue in its re-release than it had earned when it released for the first time.
The actor observed how the audience’s reaction during the re-release was both “baffling” and “charming”. He also noticed that viewers overlooked the outdated technology and recurring availability of the film on TV, OTT platforms and social media, instead flocking to theaters for a communal cinematic experience.
Directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon and produced by Vashu Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment, “Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein” starred Madhavan, Dia Mirza and Saif Ali Khan in important roles. Over the years, the film became a beloved cult classic, resonating deeply with audiences for its music, performances and enduring love story.
On the work front, Madhavan recently starred in “Shaitaan” alongside Ajay Devgn, a performance that earned widespread praise from fans and critics alike. Looking ahead, he will feature in “Shankara” and “De De Pyaar De 2”, co-starring Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh.
Did you watch “Rehnaa Hai Terre Dil Mein” in cinema hall after its re-release?