Priya Prakash Varrier shot to fame when a video of her winking at a guy in a song sequence went viral overnight. It was a song for her Malayalam movie Oru Adaar Love.
The actor who was in the video with her is named Abdul Rahoof in case you did not know and the two are now gearing up for a release of the Telegu version of their film. They have been promoting it together.
In fact, Priya has also been in the news regarding her upcomimg film Sridevi Bungalow which has been wrapped in controversy ever since the teaser of the film came out since the scenes resemble the kore and tragic drowning accident of late actress Sridevi.
Coming back to the point, no matter who Priya poses with, we’ll always root for her and Abdul since the two have an amazing chemistry on screen together and off as well.
That is clearly evident from this photo which was posted on Instagram. Check it out here.
This picture is pretty hot, guys. Look at the way they’re looking into each other’s eyes? How cute is that? Also, does this mean sparks are flying between the two?
Guess we’ll just have to wait for more updates to find out.