Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the gathering in order to mark the launch of National Handloom Day, during his one day visit to Chennai.
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PM Modi believes there is lack of awareness in the world, when it comes to the rich and traditional presence and importance of Indian Handloom products.
He blames the lack of marketing skills in the Indians because of which this industry is lacking behind. Here, he suggested that the film industry must take the responsibility to promote the handloom products and take to every home and corner of the world through their movies.
Along with this launch, the Prime Minister also be presented National Awards for Handloom weavers and Sant Kabir Awards for the years 2014, 2013 and 2012.
The venue of the occasion – Centenary Auditorium of Madras University is well kept in control by the Police authorities. The entire event was organized by Ministry of Textiles, Tamil Nadu.