Vivek Oberoi starrer PM Narendra Modi’, based on the life of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed by Umang Kumar. After a lot of controversies, the movie finally hit the screens on May 24th and it was released in only 1200 screens all over India. But the movie failed to create an impact on the audience.
PM Modi’s biopic divided the audience into two parts and received mixed reviews from the audience, critics. The followers of PM Modi relished the movie. On the other hand, it was slammed by the critics, audience and called it as hagiography.
Vivek Oberoi starrer couldn’t set the cash registers rattling even after 5 days of its release. The movie collected 2.88 crores nett on its opening day. The movie started to pick up the pace at the box office from the second day and saw a growth of nearly 30.56 per cent. Over the weekend the movie earned Rs. 3.76 crore on Saturday and Rs. 5.67 crores on Sunday.
However, on the 4th day, the movie earned Rs. 2.41 crore across India and was definitely a victim of Monday blues. The film roughly managed to earn Rs. 1.80 crore on Tuesday.
The biopic based on PM Modi earned Rs. 15.56 crore by the end of its first opening weekend.