There are many Indian political leaders who are great orators as well but Shashi Tharoor is a little different as the vocabulary that he uses is just amazing and to understand what he said, many have to use dictionaries.

Shashi has made headlines many times for his speeches and in fact, he has gone to the extent of demanding apology from England for the atrocities they have committed in India during their 190 years of rule.
People follow and copy him and that’s quite obvious, who doesn’t like to be known for writing and speaking style?
One such wana-be Tharoor type person sent a WhatsApp message to Anushree Arun and left the receiver confused and shocked.
Here is the message:
“May your festive season be punctuated with revachism whose magnoliquence can only be theatropistically analysed by the use of reminiscent exacerbation. I hope you dont mind my apostacy. I know your arquistic impedance might not engulf this kind of debauched pedagogy because of its repuginatious tolecentrism.
Just wished Christmas and Happy New Year….
Shashi Tharoor style”
Anushree tried to tell the person that Tharoor’s words actually made sense and just by taking words from Thesaurus, you can’t become Shashi Tharoor and we also agree with that as sentence in the message actually doesn’t make any sense.
Anushree shared the conversation on Twitter and wrote,
“Received this watsapp msg.
I fail to understand how just by using thesaurus for every single word( which together sounds bunkum in a sentence) one can call it @ShashiTharoor ‘s style?
Received this watsapp msg.
I fail to understand how just by using thesaurus for every single word( which together sounds bunkum in a sentence) one can call it @ShashiTharoor 's style?
IT ISN'T !— Anushree Arun (@anushreearun13) December 27, 2017
In return, users gave some epic reactions:
so this is how u are wished! Lol! enjoy!! is tharoor's style a meaningless use of alien vocabulary in a compound sentences?
— LiსeToქay (@LivTheDay) December 28, 2017
Shashi Tharoor would never make such mistakes:
He's right. This has grammar & spelling errors, & @ShashiTharoor would NEVER make those 🙂
— Anand Sivashankar (@ggmarquez) December 28, 2017
Another word salad balderdash!
Dr Tharoor is an inimitable word-crafter.— DrTharoor_supporter (@INCTharoorian) December 27, 2017
What a terrific reply!
I really think this is stretching it too far. It's neither humorous nor making a point
— Charles Mathew (@charliemat777) December 28, 2017
Being @ShashiTharoor doesnt means inflicting verbiage pain. But being laconic and furthering your message in a most comprehensible manner. In hindi-belt i have always encountered pple who if don't knw any english word will term you "ShashiTharoor" rather upgradung their vocabs.
— A P (@abhi150) December 28, 2017
Even Shashi Tharoor replied to the tweet and wrote, “Precisely. Read any of my 16 books to know my style. This is incomprehensible gibberish.”
Precisely. Read any of my 16 books to know my style. This is incomprehensible gibberish.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) December 28, 2017
What do you have to say about the message? Let us know.