PM Modi has taken the biggest move to catch hold of black money holders, this stern step will let down all black money present in the country. Narendra Modi on Tuesday at 8 PM announced ban on Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes, the 500-1000 notes became invalid from today and this has left everyone in a state of shock, especially black money holders.
Today the banks will remain closed to the public. Even the ATMs won’t be functioning on 9 & 10 November. People will can withdraw only Rs 2000 in a day.
Several politicians, Bollywood celebrities took to Twitter to express their views over the move. Some praised Modi, some criticized him. But Anil Kumble was all praises for Modi. He tweeted,
Massive googly bowled by our Hon. PM @narendramodi today. Well done Sir! Proud of you!!
— Anil Kumble (@anilkumble1074) November 8, 2016
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi saw the tweet and was quick in responding to the Indian team coach’s tweet. Modi tweeted,
This coming from one of India’s most admired cricketers, whose bowling caught many batsmen by surprise. 🙂
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) November 9, 2016
People can deposit their Rs 500-1000 notes in their bank and post office accounts from November 10 till December 30. A new series of Rs 2000 and Rs 500 currency notes would be circulated.