Samsung along with Mastercard, has extended its support to Modi’s Digital India drive, by launching Samsung Pay, a digital payment app. There’s no need of carrying your cards anywhere; all your payments will be managed in a hassle free manner through this application. It’s an all in one payment app and supports all your debit cards, credit cards and digital wallets; so next time you are out shopping, make use of this app as it’s no less than a blessing.
Samsung Pay was launched in India yesterday, and it is supportive of devices like Galaxy A7 (2016), Galaxy A5 (2016), Galaxy S6 Edge+, Galaxy S7 Edge, Galaxy S7 and Galaxy Note 5.
No payment terminal is required because this application works on MST i.e. Magnetic Secure Transmission and NFC i.e. near field communication. Usually, for cards, it is necessary to have a reading machine or a card swiping machine, but this application drives away the need for them and allows you to swipe the cards on a POS through your phone.
Just waving the card over the terminal is enough; there is no need of physically swiping it. Firstly the card details and bank account should be linked on the app, provided the phone is compatible.
Once the details are saved, you can make payments in no time. Just get the phone close to the card swiping machine (NFC enabled) and you are done! While making the payments, the authentication is done using the fingerprint or the PIN.
You might be wondering how this is possible, isn’t it? Well, watch the video below and you will understand every detail of this process.
Check it out;
Follow these steps to install and activate Samsung Pay:
Look for the Samsung Pay icon on your device.
Option A: If you have installed the Android software update and you can see the Samsung Pay icon on your device, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Ensure that you have Samsung Account added (Settings > Accounts > Add Samsung Account).
Step 2: Click on Samsung Pay icon to download and install the Samsung Pay app.
Step 3: Setup Samsung Pay & start using the revolutionary way to pay.
Option B: If you do not find the Samsung Pay icon on your device, please ensure that the device software is updated to the latest Android software
Step 1: To check go to Settings > About device and update the software.
Step 2: Once this is done, you should be able to see the Samsung Pay Icon on your device.
Please follow the above mentioned steps to get started.
This technology is superb! It will definitely add a lot of security to the system, don’t you think so? Have you downloaded it? Share your views in our comments section below.