The news channels have become an important part of our lives as they make us aware of what is happening in the world but their job is not as easy as it seems to be. People think that the news anchors only have to read the news while sitting in an air conditioned studio but the truth is that live reporting is quite tough as there are no retakes to correct their mistakes so they have to be very careful. There are times when things get very complicated and it is very difficult to deal with the situation; at such instances, only a smart news anchor is able to manage things in a proper manner.
Marichka Padalko, a news anchor who can be seen live on Ukrainian TV presenting news came across a weird situation but she handled it in quite a classy way. She was reading news as usual when her tooth dropped out of her mouth; however, it’s indeed creditable on her part that she didn’t react, caught the falling teeth very calmly as if nothing happened and continued doing her work.
Later she posted the video of the incident on her Instagram account and also wrote about the times when she faced bizarre situations earlier and also explained how her tooth broke.
Here is the video:
Click to watch this video directly on Instagram
She told that her little daughter hit her teeth with a metal clock while she was playing with it because of which her half-teeth broke down. She got it repaired but didn’t follow the advice of her dentist as she was biting the food from her front tooth while her dentist asked her not to do so.
She faced a weird situation in 2013 as well when she was doing live reporting and her hubby was arrested during a protest. She also said that she thought the incident would not be noticed by anyone but viewers are very attentive.
Well, it takes smartness and intelligence to quickly handle things and we must say that Marichka Padalko is quite smart!