The year 2022 was certainly not very good for Bollywood as many movies of A-list actors fell dud on the box-office and recently, the versatile actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui gave on his opinion on this matter during an event in Delhi. Nawaz states that his movies may fail but he will always work hard. He further talks about how an actor is blamed for the failure of a film but nobody discusses about the director’s fault.
Nawaz says that he never shies from making efforts or working hard and he never gives up as well, however some things may also depend on whether he is working honestly or not but there are many other reasons for a flick not to perform well on the box-office. He adds that direction may be the reason behind failure of the movie but a director is never blamed, it is always an actor who is blamed for the film’s failure.
Talking further, Nawazuddin Siddiqui gave the example of superstar Shah Rukh Khan who gave many flops in a row because of which he took a break and now he is scheduled to make a comeback in the year 2023. Nawaz says that when a big actor like SRK who enjoys a huge fan following all over the world comes on board in a movie, it literally means that his massive fan following is also served on the platter to the director of the flick. However if the movie still does not work on the box-office, it is not SRK’s fault because he has already given so many audiences to the director which means that either it is the direction or the story which is at fault but nobody blames them.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui also talks about the current generation of actors and their lack of live experiences because of which they are not able to play different characters properly. As per him, today’s generation is busy in Instagram and Twitter because of which they don’t have much live experiences. This is the reason as to why they are not able to act well in their second or third movie despite giving a phenomenal performance in the first film as they don’t have much memories or references to think about. Nawaz adds that he can play many characters in his mind because he has a good experience of outside world and have met many people personally.
The actor will be seen next in “Haddi” which is scheduled to release in July next year.