Veteran actor Nana Patekar is often regarded as a powerhouse performer in Bollywood but he is equally infamous for his temper on film sets. In a recent conversation with his friend and co-actor Anil Kapoor, the topic of his anger issues and reclusive nature came up, sparking candid revelations from the 74 years old actor.
When Anil Kapoor questioned Nana about his reluctance to attend Bollywood parties or social events, Nana replied with characteristic bluntness. He asked what the need to attend a party is for just having a drink, he can have it at his home as well and there are also chances of meeting horrible people who say horrible things to you and spoil your mood. Nana Patekar had no hesitation in saying that he would not think twice in giving two whacks to such people.
The discussion soon shifted to Nana’s well-documented anger issues, which have reportedly made some directors hesitant to work with him. When Anil asked about his temper, Nana said that is not just about anger, if someone is misbehaving with you, he should get it.
Anil countered with a more pacifist approach, suggesting that you don’t have to hit everyone; sometimes love can work. However, Nana argued that if someone is intoxicated or unreasonable, then what love will do.
Anil also urged Nana to change his image and tried to convince him, saying that he is not really like this so why he behaves this way. Nana acknowledged the perception but joked that change is difficult at his age of 74 yrs. He quipped that Anil might have anger issues too but Anil firmly denied it.
Earlier in an interview, Nana Patekar shared a personal insight into his temper, revealing that it might stem from his difficult upbringing. He disclosed that his mother who lived until the age of 99 was abusive and often violent, particularly towards him. This turbulent childhood could have contributed to his fiery personality.
Nana Patekar has some temper issues but still we all love him for his acting, agree?