The Telugu actor Naga Chaitanya started trending on social media recently after a video of him dressed in the traditional attire of groom went viral. The actor has got engaged to actress Sobhita Dhulipala earlier this month and many fans were left confused thinking that he has already got married.
But the truth came out soon as Naga Chaitanya was promoting a wedding collection of a clothing brand and when mediapersons asked him if he is rehearsing for his marriage, he admitted that they can say so as it is a countdown to his marriage. However, Naga Chaitanya remained mum regarding the wedding date and venue.
Talking about his thoughts on marriage, he said that it is not necessary that the wedding has to be big fat, adding that it is all about people following the culture and traditions for him.
Here is the video in which you can see Naga Chaitanya answering the questions of mediapersons:
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As per the reports, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are planning to get married by this yearend or in March 2025 and talking about venues, they are thinking about Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh or a foreign destination as well.
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got engaged on 8 August and the news of their engagement was shared by the superstar Nagarjuna who posted photos from the ceremony with the caption, “We are delighted to announce the engagement of our son, Naga Chaitanya, to Sobhita Dhulipala, which took place this morning at 9:42 a.m.!! We are overjoyed to welcome her into our family. Congratulations to the happy couple! Wishing them a lifetime of love and happiness. God bless! 8.8.8 A beginning of infinite love Sobhitad chayakkineni”.
When and where are they getting married according to you?