Amitabh Bachchan is a proud grandfather after watching his granddaughter Aaradhya performing at her school’s Annual Day. Amitabh along with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan attended the event at Dhirubhai Ambani School in Mumbai on Thursday. Videos of Aaradhya and Shah Rukh Khan’s son AbRam’s performances quickly went viral on social media.
In his latest blog, Amitabh shared his excitement about the experience, calling it the “most exhilarating” moment. He expressed his pride in watching Aaradhya’s innocence and determination to perform her best in front of her parents. He described the joy of seeing her take the stage confidently in front of a large audience.
Big B wrote, “Children .. their innocence and desire to be at their best in the presence of parents .. such a delight .. and when they are in the company of thousands performing for you .. it is the most exhilarating experience ..Today was one such ..Good night .. for the morrow calls ..”
Besides reflecting on the event, Amitabh mentioned that he would return to work after taking a day’s rest. He wrote, “Back to work tomorrow after a day’s rest .. but work did not stop .. and then working for the future needed attention and consent and affirmation .. so ..BUT ..the great joy of having two of the most gifted and talented legendary icons of the Music World at work , was a delight like no other ..What talent and what special gifts they possess .. an envious condition for me .. wish I could be like them .. Now the time to learn is depleted .. shall make efforts to perhaps be in the company of them that compel one to be in touch with the basics of the craft …”
Click here if you want to read his complete post
Aishwarya and Abhishek were also seen leaving the school together after the event. Despite recent rumours of trouble in their marriage, the couple presented a united front as they departed in the same car, focusing on supporting their daughter on her special day.