Mohanlal, the Malayalam cinema legend, is currently riding high on the release of his directorial debut, “Barroz 3D”. While promoting the fantasy thriller, which hit theatres last week, the superstar shared intriguing insights about the future of the “Drishyam” franchise. In an interview, Mohanlal expressed openness to a potential crossover with Ajay Devgn, who portrayed the lead in the Hindi adaptation of the celebrated thriller.
When asked about the possibility of such collaboration, Mohanlal candidly admitted he has “no idea” but didn’t dismiss the idea outright, leaving fans speculating about the intriguing prospect of seeing the two powerhouses unite on-screen.
Mohanlal stated, “I have no idea. It’s in the process, in the pipeline. It is not that easy to bring out a good sequel. It is a big challenge. Part three is a big headache for them, for the director and for all of us. But we are in the process. It will happen some day, I am also praying for it to happen.”
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The “Drishyam” franchise has captivated audiences across languages with its intense storytelling. “Drishyam 2”, the 2022 Hindi-language sequel directed by Abhishek Pathak, served as a follow-up to the 2015 film and is a remake of the 2021 Malayalam original. The film stars Ajay Devgn as Vijay Salgaonkar, alongside an ensemble cast that includes Tabu, Shriya Saran and Akshaye Khanna. Picking up seven years after the events of the first film, “Drishyam 2” explores the Salgaonkar family’s ongoing struggle to keep their secrets buried as new investigations threaten their fragile peace.
Released on November 18, 2022, “Drishyam 2” garnered widespread acclaim for its riveting narrative and standout performances. The film became a box-office sensation, ranking among the highest grossing Hindi films of the year. Its compelling soundtrack, composed by Devi Sri Prasad, further contributed to its appeal.
Meanwhile, Mohanlal’s “Barroz”, a Malayalam fantasy thriller, marks an ambitious turn in his illustrious career. Playing the titular role, Mohanlal leads a stellar cast that includes Maya Rao West, Cesar Lorente Raton, Ignacio Mateos, Kallirroi Tziafeta, Nerea Camacho and Tuhin Menon. The film’s Hindi version premiered in theatres on December 25, expanding its reach to a broader audience.
As “Barroz” garners attention, Mohanlal’s comments about a potential “Drishyam” crossover have sparked excitement among fans of the franchise. Whether or not this collaboration comes to fruition, the prospect underscores the enduring legacy and universal appeal of the “Drishyam” saga.