As Maharashtra was witnessing severe drought , Bombay High Court had given orders that 13 IPL matches (After 30th of April 2016) should be shifted outside Mumbai. Remember? However, thanks to media for all this!
Yes, you heard it right; media had a big role to play in this shifting of matches outside Mumbai! No one would forget the way media created hype over this drought issue and linked it to IPL.
Be it newspaper or news channels, everyday there used to be reports about lot of water being wasted in IPL. Yes, media literally showed as if lakhs of litres are being wasted. Once the final decision of shifting the matches was taken, media just forgot about the issue.
Moreover, do you know what? Media actually made people believe that since matches were not being played, watering had also been stopped! But wait Modiji has an answer to this.
While speaking in a programme where several projects were launched under the Smart City Mission of Government, Modiji said
“There is water crisis today. Sometimes, our media people distort the things way too much, and we cannot even play cricket. Wherever there is a stadium…Whether a cricket match is held or not, the ground needs to be watered 365 days (of the year).”
Further he added that “But the country believed it that since matches are not being held, so the watering also stopped…The country believed this,”
Stating the actual reality, Modiji said;
“They (grounds) have to be watered for 365 days, that’s how the green cover remains…Otherwise there will be no game in the stadium even after two years…Don’t know from where (they) bring this new philosophy,”
So guys what do you have to say about this? Doesn’t media create too many issues at times? Sometimes it creates so much hype that it actually convinces people about a completely different philosophy! Well, over the years RVCJ has definitely maintained a good standard! We report factual information as we believe in educating our dear readers with valid information and not half baked one!