Mira Rajput made headlines for the first time when people came to know that she was getting married to Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor who is 14 yrs older to her. The couple tied the knot in 2015 and now they are blessed with two adorable kids – Misha and Zain.
Mira is not from Bollywood but still she has a good number of fans who think that she is equally or more beautiful than many actresses. However, there are some online users who love to hate her and pass cheap comments whenever she is seen going to the gym or on a dinner date with her hot hubby.
On Saturday night, she went out to have dinner with Shahid but what caught everybody’s attention was that Shahid chose to ride a bike whereas Mira opted for a car. Shahid was looking quite handsome while Mira was looking gorgeous in her black and white striped off-shoulder shirt and faux leather pants. What’s more, magenta pink bucket bag added a classy flavour to her look.
Check out the pics:
As her photos were posted on the social media networks, netizens started expressing their opinions about her outfit, makeup and purse, saying that she has no fashion sense and she is carrying the bucket bag to bring the leftover food.
Here are some of the selected reactions:
Do you agree with trollers? What do you think of Mira’s dressing sense?