When you are on a tight budget for your marketing as a small business you can start to panic about hitting your goals and getting your product or services seen by the people that you want. Let’s have a look at some of the low-cost marketing ideas you can use for your business:
Make Use Of Social Media
Social media is now probably the most used marketing tool. It offers low-cost yet effective marketing that reaches a large audience. This means that it is perfect for small businesses. If you need to keep the costs as low as possible you coils try to keep it simple by using just one platform. For example, you could post regular pictures of your product on Instagram and stick to that. If you can spend a little more time you could then slowly build on your social media marketing by introducing the odd video, competition, and customer engagement. Then if you can spend any more time you could add a second social platform. A lot of social media platforms link together so you only have to post in one place and it appears on several platforms. If you get this set up you will save time. Time is money at the end of the day so the more you can save the better.
Hold Competitions Or Donate Prizes
Who doesn’t love to win something? Doing this is an inexpensive way to get your beans seen. Try running a competition for something that your customers want. It could be one of your products/services or another popular product. You could get the entrants to do something in a run for entering such as sharing your page, subscribing to your newsletter, or providing their email address. This is simple, low-cost, and it works.
Get Your Logo Seen
When you run a small business you may have a logo that you use internally but you don’t use it for anything else. This needs to change. You need your brand to be recognized which means you need to get your logo out there and seen by your customers. Print flyers, quality leaflets, business cards, newspaper features, and more. This doesn’t need to be expensive to do. If you don’t have a logo you need to get this fixed as soon as possible. You can use tools such as Canva or ask a freelancer to design it for you. Make sure it represents your business and is recognizable.
Head To Networking Events
Some people believe networking events to be outdated, however, they are still one of the greatest ways you can connect with other businesses and customers during the event. Social media and digital networks are important, yes but face-to-face is also a great way to grow your business network. Have a look at sites like meetup.com for a cost-effective networking opportunity. When you attend a networking event you can build relationships, build your reputation, and find new business opportunities. Take a pile of business cards and practice your sales pitch. Make sure you are prepared in advance. Make sure that when you go to a networking event you decide on whether you are going to attend as a stand-alone person or if you are going to have a stand. A stand at an event like this is a great way for you to showcase your business. You can take product samples, free goodies, take-away information packs, and more. Some great things to take include giveaway keyrings, pens, notepads, etc. Anything that has your brand logo on is great. Especially if they stick your pen in their bag. It gets your brand and business out and about so people can recognize you.
Hold A Coffee Morning For Your Clients
Networking is super important for your clients as well as for you, however, you don’t need to go to a big event to achieve this. You can make it easy and low-cost to host a coffee morning or another regular meetup. Either open your office or hire a small venue to host a coffee morning for a few hours. Some of your clients may prefer this type of networking as it’s quieter and gives them more time to get to know you. Try thinking about a topic to talk about at each one and provide a coffee machine with a few cakes. The costs will be minimal but the effect is great.
Have A Refer-A-Friend Scheme
When it comes to small business marketing then it doesn’t get much simpler than a referral scheme. This means you should encourage people to tell their family and friends about your business. Set up a referral scheme that makes it worth your customer’s time. It could help you get more customers and create hype around your business or services. You need to think about what you can offer them. Most commonly it’s a discount of course or a money-off voucher if the referral is successful. You do need to make sure your business can afford to absorb the discounts you hand out thoughts so do the maths and see what you could offer as a reward for your customer’s effort.
Rope In Family And Friends
When you are first starting a business, you need to get as much help and talk about your business as possible. Often this starts with your family and friends. They are a valuable source of free marketing and building your brand. Give them business cards, leaflets, and other tools they can hand out when talking about your business. This is a brilliant way to grow your brand in the beginning and it will start to get your brand out there.
As you can see there are many ways you can market your business for a low cost. It doesn’t always need to be expensive for it to work. It’s all about finding out what is right for your business. Try using some of these ideas above and let us know what you think in the comments below.