Sarahah is getting quite popular nowadays and netizens are simply going crazy for it! Undoubtedly, it’s an amazing fun app and can prove to be of a great use if you want to tell someone about his/her shortcomings or something you don’t like about the person without revealing your identity! Yes, that’s the best as well as the worst part of Sarahah.
The receiver doesn’t get to know the identity of the sender and due to the same, people might spread hatred through it too. Unsurprisingly, this is actually happening with the app at present but whatever weaknesses the app may boast, it is liked and used a lot by social media users.
Well, its ever-growing popularity made the prankster of STFU18 choose this as the main theme of his next prank and here he is back with lots of laughter and entertainment.
The man in the video goes to random people on street and complained them of sending him unpleasant, insulting and offensive messages. As we all know that the sender’s identity is not disclosed in Sarahah, it was hard to digest for people to get how he knew who sent him messages. What happened next will give you a laugh riot!
This Hilarious Video Will Make You Go ROFL:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
LOL 😀 We must say that this is the best idea for a prank presently! So are you going to try it on others? How did you find the video? Let us know!