It’s really weird if a man discovers that he is woman all of a sudden. Can’t believe this, right? But it’s true. A 66 year old man has got shocked when he discovered that he is actually a woman when he felt severe pain in his stomach and rushed to Kwong Kong hospital in Hong Kong with a swollen stomach. The doctor’s affirmation was enough to give him a jolt that his stomach pain was due to an ovarian cyst, which meant that he was actually a women.
Tests revealed that the man suffered from two rare genetic disorders that known as Turner Syndrome and congenital adrenal that affects 1 in 2,000 girls that increases male hormones. Turner Syndrome is a condition in which abnormalities found in all or part of one of the sex chromosomes. In these cases the chromosomes remains missing leaving a woman infertile. Doctors at the Kwong Wah Hospital in Hong Kong said, “’Were it not due to the huge ovarian cyst, his intriguing medical condition might never have been exposed.
This information was published in the Hong Kong Medical Journal, that states only six other cases where the patient had both disorders had ever been reported.
According to the report the patient is without testes and a ‘micro penis’, and would continue to live as a man. Although, he may be need to be treated with hormone replacement therapy.
Chinese University professor Ellis Hon Kam-lun commented “The patient, by definition, is a woman who cannot get pregnant. But she also has CAH, which gave her the appearance of a man.”
It’s an interesting and very rare case of having both the combinations. It probably won’t be seen again in the near future.