In a shocking incident a 35-year old man from Ramanagaram offered his finger to Tirupati Hundi. Tirupati is one of Worlds richest Temples. Tirupati on a daily basis receives about Lakhs & crores of Rupees of donations on a daily basis. These donations are generally in the form of Cash or Ornaments. In rare situations we have even seen people donating their property and many such other things. But it came as a Shock to the Management of Tirupati Temple when they saw a Finger Donated by some Devotee in the Tirupati Hundi.
It is reported that Suresh, a granite Businessman about 35 years old had donated his Finger for a reason which is more shocking than the Finger Donation it self.
Image Source : ANI
When Suresh was asked about the Incident, he stated that the Finger Offering was as part of a Thanksgiving because INC President Sonia Gandi & Rahul Gandhi were granted Bail in the National Herald Case in December 2015.
He stated he was so happy with the news that he on 25th December reached Tirupati Temple, chopped his little finger and dropped it into the Temple Hundi as a token of Gratitude. He also stated that when the Matter of National Herald was in Court he Vowed that he would offer his Finger to lord Venkateshwara if Sonia & Rahul were granted Bail.
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