A few days back, the senior Bollywood actor-producer Arbaaz Khan got married to Sshura Khan who is a makeup artist by profession. The marriage ceremony took place at Arbaaz Khan’s sister Arpita Khan’s residence and it was attended by family members and close friends.
This is Arbaaz Khan’s second marriage, earlier he was married to Bollywood celebrity Malaika Arora with whom he has a son, Arhaan Khan. They both got married in 1998 and divorced officially in 2017 but they are still co-parenting their son who also attended the wedding ceremony of Arbaaz and Sshura.
Amidst this, Malaika Arora made a cryptic post as she reposted a message from 4amthoughts.official which talks about gratitude. The message read, “I woke up. I have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. I am thankful.”
Currently, Malaika Arora is in a relationship with Arjun Kapoor but rumours of their break-up are also doing rounds. Though there has been no official news regarding this from the couple’s side, some incidents have strengthened these rumours.
Whatever the case may be but this cryptic post has left her fans thinking as to what she wants to say, especially when Arbaaz Khan has got married for the second time.