Since when Maggi is found to be harmful for health, especially of children, due to the presence of MSG (monosodium glutamate) and lead in excess than the permissible level, Nestle India is consistently trying to defend it stating there is nothing unsafe in the 2-minute noodles. Recently, it’s made claims of testing Maggi samples in domestic and external labs in which this much-loved instant food is discovered to be absolutely “safe to eat”, as the level of lead is noticed to be in allowable limit. In addition, they talked of monitoring raw materials on a regular basis too.
Nevertheless, Nestle India did not break its silence as regards MSG being present in the product. But it stated that it’s “fully cooperating with the authorities who are conducting further tests and we are awaiting their results.”
To quote a statement made by Nestle, “We have also submitted samples of Maggi Noodles from almost 600 product batches to an external laboratory for independent analysis and we tested samples from almost 1,000 batches at our accredited laboratory.”
About 32 crore packs were represented by samples in view of the fact that there are nearly 2 lacs packets in a single batch. Each of these results which include both internal as well as external tests prove the amount of lead in keeping with specified limit which provide evidence of noodles being secure for eating. In the words of the firm, “We are sharing these results with the authorities.”