Cliff Richard once quoted, “I’ve got two places I like to be. Portugal is the one.” Have a look at few facts about Portugal-
1. Portugal is the oldest nation-state in Europe.
2. “PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC” is the official name of Portugal.
3. Portuguese is the official language of 9 countries.
4. 50% of the world’s cork is produced in Portuguese.
5. The first Pirate code was invented by the Portuguese buccaneer Bartolomeu Português.
6. The Portuguese are the number one consumers of fish and shellfish.
7. Portugal is well known for being the world’s top surf spot.

8. Nine out of ten Portuguese are Roman Catholic.
9. The Portuguese are all time big CAR FANS.
10. The Vasco da Gama Bridge is the longest bridge in Europe.
11. Portugal was the first colonial power to eliminate slavery.
12. Same-sex marriage is legal in Portugal.
13. Portugal introduced the habit of drinking tea in Britain.
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