Panchatantra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Five Principles’ and is a collection of animal fables. They are said to be composed originally in the 3rd century BCE by Vishnu Sharma. It has been translated in many different languages since long. Here are few stories from Panchatantra that even give us lessons today.
1. Trust once lost is lost forever
It is a common fact that once you lose trust on someone you can never come to trust the person again. The tale ‘Boy who shouted wolf’ teaches us exactly the same. You can watch this story on YouTube.
2. Little by little does the trick
The story ‘Crow and the Water Pitcher’ shows how even when the situations were against him the crow did not lose his hope and with constant effort overcame the difficult situation. You can watch this story on YouTube.
3. Trust your team member
The tale of ‘The Thief, The Giant and The Brahmin’ tells that it is important to trust your team member. You can watch this story on YouTube.
4. It is important to remember your bad times even in your good ones
It is common fact that with power comes ignorance as the person forgets his own starting. The tale of ‘The Sage and The Mouse’ stresses upon this fact. You can watch this story on YouTube.
5. Only the brave succeed in life
It is important to be brave in situations to be really successful in life. The tale of ‘The Hungry Jackal and The Drum’ states this.
6. Presence of mind is your real strength
In many situations people are not defeated by situations but by their own lack of motivation. The story ‘The Crocodile and The Monkey’ shows how even when the monkey was in trouble he managed to evade it. You can watch this story on YouTube.
7. Help those who deserve it as the world is wicked
There are wicked people all around so it is better to be vigilant before helping them. The tale of ‘The Wolf and The Crane’ emphasises on this. You can watch this story on YouTube.
8. Deceive the wicked and destroy them without mercy
If you cannot win someone by might better use your mind. The story of ‘The lion and The Hare’ speaks of this. You can watch this story on YouTube.
9. In Union lies strength
In this world it is important to be united with your loved ones as in union lies the true strength. The theme of the tale ‘The Bird with Two Heads’ is based on this only. You can watch this story on YouTube.
10. A friend in need it a friend indeed
Source You can watch this story on YouTube.
A very old saying yet true till today. This is seen in the tale of ‘Four Friends and The Hunter’ where they plan the rescue of their friend.
11. Look before you leap
An old saying holding its meaning. It is common fact that one who interferes in other’s work, surely comes to grief. This is illustrated in the theme of the tale of ‘The Monkey and The Log.’ You can watch this story on YouTube.
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