India’s Mayanagri “Mumbai” has done it again. The dream city of many people has emerged the richest city of India as per the latest report by New World Wealth.
The report has been generated considering the private wealth held by all the individuals living in each city. However, the government assets have been excluded from the count.
As per the New World Wealth report, Mumbai has a total wealth of $ 950 billion which makes it the richest city in India and 12th richest city in the world.
Well, no surprise here because the city is a home to BOLLYWOOD, Bombay Stock Exchange and some really big names.
Mumbai is followed by Toronto ($944 billion), Frankfurt ($912 billion) and Paris ($860 billion).
This is not the end, Mumbai has also registered itself among the cities which have seen the fastest growth in wealth over the time and among the Top 10 cities as per the count of Billionaires. India has total 28 billionaires.
The list has been topped by New York with a total wealth of $3 trillion. The report said-
“Home to the two largest stock exchanges in the world, areas around New York such as Connecticut and Long Island also contain a large amount of wealth that is not included in this figure”
Have a look at the complete chart-
It feels amazing! Right? What are your thoughts on it?