The nation was keeping a close eye on the verdict on fodder scam which was due to come today (December 23), especially after the verdict given by the special CBI court in Rs. 30,000 crore worth 2G scam.
The court has pronounced RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav as guilty in Rs. 950 crore worth fodder scam and the sentence will be given on January 3.

After the verdict of the court, Lalu took to Twitter and compared himself to legends like Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King and tried to imply that it is only a tough time in his life as these greats have also faced and he will also come out, winning over his problems in the same way.
Had people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Baba Saheb Ambedkar failed in their efforts, history would have treated them as villains. They still are villains for the biased, racist and caste-ist minds. No one should expect any different treatment.
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
Later he launched an attack on the parties and leaders who are against him in a series of tweets and challenged that they can trouble him for a little time but they cannot defeat him.
सामंतीवादी ताक़तों, जानता हूँ लालू तुम्हारी राहों का काँटा नहीं आँखों की कील है। पर इतनी आसानी से नहीं उखाड़ पाओगे
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
ऐ सुनो कान खोल कर, आप इस गुदडी के लाल को परेशान कर सकते हों, पराजित नहीं।
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
धूर्त भाजपा अपनी जुमलेबाज़ी व कारगुज़ारियों को छुपाने और वोट प्राप्त करने के लिए विपक्षियों का पब्लिक पर्सेप्शन बिगाड़ने के लिए राजनीति में अनैतिक और द्वेष की भावना से ग्रस्त गंदा खेल खेलती है।
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
He also stated that each person from Bihar is standing behind him and supporting him in the war against communalism.
झूठे जुमले बुनने वालों सच अपनी ज़िद पर खड़ा है।धर्मयुद्ध में लालू अकेला नहीं पूरा बिहार साथ खड़ा है।
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
ना ज़ोर चलेगा लाठी का
लालू लाल है माटी का।।— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
साथ हर बिहारी है
अकेला सब पर भारी है
सच की रक्षा करने को
लालू का संघर्ष जारी है।मरते दम तक सामाजिक न्याय की लड़ाई लड़ता रहूँगा। जगदेव बाबू ने गोली खाई, हम जेल जाते रहते है लेकिन मैं झुकूँगा नहीं। लड़ते-लड़ते मर जाऊँगा लेकिन मनुवादियों को हराऊँगा।
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
देश के न्यायप्रिय और शांतिप्रिय साथियों हर षड्यंत्र से बचना होगा। हर हाल में लड़ना होगा। विजयपथ पर चलना होगा। जय हिंद
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
Lalu also said that the speed of a lie is faster than truth but in the end, it is the truth which wins and not lie.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. ….But still prevails…In the end though.
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
Truth can be made to appear as a lie, as ambiguous or a half lie by concerted onslaught of bias driven propaganda. But blurred layer of bias and hatred will still be removed, come what may! In end Truth will win
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
He also stated that powerful people divide the society into ruled and ruling classes and whoever from the public raises voice against injustice has been punished.
Powerful people and powerful classes always managed to divide society into ruling and the ruled classes. And whenever anyone from the lower hierarchy challenged this unjust order, they would be deliberately punished
— Lalu Prasad Yadav (@laluprasadrjd) December 23, 2017
What do you have to say about Lalu Yadav’s tweets? Let us know.