For Bollywood, 2015 has been a Super-Year. ‘Bajirao Mastani’, the dream project of Sanjay Leela Bhansali had hit the screens on 18th of December. This movie was something which all cine buffs will cherish for life.
‘Bajirao Mastani’ starred Tanvi Azmi, Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, all of whom are counted among amazing actors. Don’t you want to know how this film has portrayed the by-gone era with so much perfection? Well, lot of credits go to VFX.
In a video that was released, you can see how the movie’s iconic scenes shaped up. You would definitely be amazed to see the VFX effects. Some scenes are just unforgettable, be it ‘Deepika opening gates for Ranveer’s army’ or Ranveer shouting ‘Har Har Mahadev’. Watch the video to see every little detail about how effects were given.