The beautiful Bollywood couple Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra celebrated their first marriage anniversary earlier this month and recently in an interview, the “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2” actress opened up on her love story with Sidharth and also revealed what made her feel that he is the one for her.
She said that with Sidharth she always felt like home and this mattered a lot because she comes from a fulfilling home where there is a lot of love, pampering and nurturing so when she felt like home with Sidharth, she knew that he is the one.
When she was asked whether there was any particular moment which made her realise that Sidharth is the one who she was looking for, she said that there was never any particular moment, it was organic and it just happened. She believes that she is good in balancing her personal and professional lives and when she decides to go for something, she goes for it without thinking about the consequences as she knows how to manage everything.
Kiara and Sidharth got married last year in February in Rajasthan in an intimate wedding ceremony.
On the work front, Kiara Advani may have been replaced by Tripti Dimri in the third part of the “Bhool Bhulaiyaa” franchise but she has signed another big movie and that is the third part of the “Don” franchise. Moreover, it is being said that she has signed the sequel of “War” as well.
As far as Sidharth Malhotra is concerned, he was last seen in web series “Indian Police Force” and he will be seen next in “Yodha” which will release in March 2024.